Dr. Kathie Mathis is a Doctor of Psychology, Nationally Certified Psychologist, Diplomat of the American Psychotherapy Association and a former national trainer for the National Task Force for Protecting Children in the Courts. A nationally recognized expert in abuse, Dr. Mathis has been helping individuals heal from abuse for more than 25 years.
Dr. Mathis has certifications in coaching, domestic violence (victim and batterer), drug/alcohol addictions, sex addictions, sex-offender counseling, pairs relationship counseling, and court advocacy. She is a skilled observer of human interaction and a powerful international public speaker, teacher and trainer. Dr. Mathis is a state and national advocate who meets with legislators in Washington, D.C., and California, as well as with California’s Judicial Council, promoting legislative and safety measures.
We are proud to call Dr. Kathie Mathis a partner. Her wisdom, sense of humor and unequivocal knowledge is truly an asset.