Is Your Life A Journey?

Check out this video by Alan Watts. I have known this message, what seems like, all of my life. However, I have not heard it articulated this way before. I believe, that the most successful souls can be measured by how well they can see through the illusions that are continually thrust upon us, and by how well they have dropped the ego to expand their Light (Consciousness) and grow in Love, all the while knowing that we are ONE and that we take formulas (paths), ourselves and others WAY too seriously.

“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.” -Rumi

5 Things About the “Unteachable Ones”

Who are the “Unteachable Ones” and how will you recognize them?

The Unteachable OnesThey are the people in your life that tend to speak the three most dangerous words in the English language: “I KNOW THAT!”  Sometimes, it sounds like this: “I already knew that!” “So what? I already know that!”  “I do that already, and I have for years!” They live in a house of cards. Yes, or yes? Always projecting that they have that knowledge, which they really don’t. The proof arrives instantaneously when they are asked and can’t answer the question, even though — per them — it’s been a life-long learning. Doesn’t matter what the subject is. They know it all. You get the picture.

A person who has a huge commitment level to the Sociopathic Style is difficult to teach. It is also very hard to share success stories with them, as they are simply going to say something like, “Great!” They will never ask you, “Tell me more about what you learned.” “Wow, it sounds like you learned a lot.” “What an achievement! Congratulations!”

Nope!  You will never hear anything like that from an Unteachable One.

Here are 5 traits that may help you recognize Unteachable Ones:

1. Someone who feels weak and not in their power tends — or tries — to steal energy from someone who is in their power. When given the opportunity to learn something new, they immediately feel inferior and shut down, walk away, or talk about you behind your back to take you down a notch.

2. They know everything, and much better than you! “Okay, go ahead. Explain yourself and tell me what you know,” they might say while they roll their eyes, sigh, yawn or act completely disinterested in what you are saying. They may ask the question and then interrupt you with something completely irrelevant.

3. Are they really interested in what you know, or what you just learned or experienced? Probably not. People who have  a high commitment level to the Sociopathic Style believe you don’t exist. Your excitement leaves them cold, because  they, themselves, can’t feel or access their own inner core other than feeling jealous. So, how in the heck can they relate to you?   Only through deep, inner resentment that has been festering for years, decades or an entire lifetime.

4. They tend to be jealous people, so if you know more than they, they will try to knock you off your pedestal. Whether to your face with their rudeness, or back-biting.

5.  They may secretly admire you or what you stand for. Hence, they will mimic you and pass on the things you teach them, claiming them as their own. They tend to steal the credit away from you because they don’t want your head to swell, or some such nonsense. They may belittle and shame you by yawning, acting disinterested or make faces while you try to communicate with them. But, alas! They go out and share with others the things they heard you say.  Catchphrases, knowledge, spiritual quotes.  It doesn’t matter what it is. They may try to steal your entire personality, for that matter.  (See the movie, “The Talented Mr. Ripley.”) Scary stuff.

People ask me, “How can we stop these hideous, little monsters?”

You don’t. And, you shouldn’t want to.

The best thing to do is don’t confront them and walk — or run — if you can, far and wide and be with the people who know how to love, uplift and inspire you. Because we all know by now, they do not know how to empower others. From an energetic perspective, once you really get to know them, it feels like they are dead inside. There is no authenticity in their personality.  They have often been called: “Empty, hollow shells.”

Lastly, believe me when I say this — they can not steal anything from you when you have enough Light in you. Light is abundant and unlimited. They may try to dim your Light, but without your permission, they can’t do SQUAT.

Shine on!

With love,

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is best likened to a nine-year-old child


When I explain the subconscious mind to my clients, I use the analogy of being passengers on a plane flown by a nine-year-old pilot (the subconscious mind). This child will always be the one in the cockpit, and as adults, we can’t replace the pilot or take control of the flight path ourselves. However, what we can do is teach this young pilot to navigate the plane smoothly, rather than letting them fly erratically with no clear destination in mind.

At various points in our lives, we’ve all experienced that out-of-control child steering the plane straight toward the Himalayan Mountains. Sometimes, we’ve crashed. Other times, we’ve miraculously landed in Paradise, so to speak. Many modern teachings focus on the mind and how changing our thoughts can lead to fulfilling relationships, inner peace, and a beautiful life.

Documentaries like “The Secret” and “What the Bleep Do We Know?” have introduced us to meditation and visualization techniques that help us guide the mind, rather than allowing it to run wild in any direction it chooses.

I’ve dedicated much of my life to studying both contemporary and ancient healing techniques. I’m continually amazed at how far we’ve come in these fields and how effective these practices can be when applied consistently.

Several years ago, I discovered Quantum Jumping by Burt Goldman, a practice developed after more than 50 years of studying with some of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers. His teachings blend shamanic journeying (working outside of time and space) with modern shortcut techniques that help the subconscious mind adjust, accept, and manifest our highest potential. When we gain control over our minds, we can achieve almost anything. We can release the past and fully embrace the present moment, free from judgment, fear, and regret. This, in turn, attracts only supportive, loving, and authentic people into our lives, making our hopes and dreams a reality.

Wishing you a safe and comfortable flight!
