Malignant Narcissism & Alternative Facts

Malignant narcissism is playing a big role in politics these days. Regardless of which side you’re on, it’s beneficial for all of us that main stream media is educating the masses about malignant narcissism and its affects on society.  Millions of people around the world are shaken up by the abrupt and merciless actions taken by our current POTUS, not only because his actions were unapproved and violated our constitution, but he also did not abide by the rules and norms of society word-wide, like most good leaders would.  He quickly dismantled policies that were good for all Americans, like our environment, for example, and national park lands that are considered sacred. Instead, he pushed policies that would make our national parks victim to mining and oil drilling. He has dismissed rational discussions with anyone who opposes him, and is quick to call opponents his enemies. That includes the fair press,  the people of the United States, leaders and citizens of other nations.

When someone acts hastily and pushes hard on people, there are usually dangerous plans lurking beneath the surface. Narcissists and sociopaths do not weigh the consequences. They want things done yesterday and, by God, they will get them done no matter what’s at stake. Another point I will make is that they will lie and call everyone else liars so they can easily vet those foolish people who will believe them, no matter what they do. Trump, himself, has said, “”I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?”

Those hard-core folks that will continue to stay on board with a malignant narcissist will eventually see that they were duped. It will be hard on them,  and they won’t know what hit them. Someday, something will click and they will see the light.  I believe, like in all relationships with a narcissist, there will be pain. The pain of having been so naive to believe in someone who did not care one iota about their well-being. I believe, our country will experience massive, collective PTSD.

However,  eventually, it will make us reach higher and we won’t allow ourselves to be taken advantage of by our so-called leaders. All our fears and antiquated belief systems have to crumble somehow, and what better way than through someone who has a frozen inner core?

Written by Marion Trent


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